Research Track Program Committee

    Ada Wai-Chee Fu social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
    Chinese University of Hong Kong
    A. Traina social network
    Computer Science Department, University of São Paulo at São Carlos
    Ah-Hwee Tan social network
    Head of Division of Software & Information Systems
    School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
    Aijun An social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, York University
    Aixin Sun social network
    School of Computer Engineering (SCE), Nanyang Technological University
    Albert Bifet social network
    Computer Science Department ,University of Waikato
    Alex Thomo social network
    Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada
    Alexandros Nanopoulos social network
    University of Hildesheim; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki;Open Hellenic University
    Alfredo Cuzzocrea social network
    Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking, Italian National Research Council
    University of Calabria
    Ana-Maria Popescu social network
    Yahoo! Labs; University of Washington
    Andreas Hotho social network
    University of Würzburg
    Andreas Krause social network
    Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
    Anirban Dasgupta social network
    Yahoo! Research
    Anlei Dong social network
    Yahoo! Labs;Hermes Microvision Inc;FastVDO Inc;Siemens Corporate Research
    Annalisa Appice social network
    Dipartimento di Informatica,Università degli Studi di Bari
    Arthur Zimek social network
    Database and Information Systems, Institute for Informatics,
    LMU Munich
    A. Aboulnaga social network
    Cheriton School of Computer Science
    Ashwin Machanavajjhala social network
    Department of Computer Science,Duke University
    Atish Das Sarma social network
    eBay Research Labs; Google; Shout Velocity; Yahoo!
    Bai Wang social network
    University of Posts and Telecommunication
    Bart Goethals social network
    Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Antwerp
    Bee-Chung Chen social network
    Benjamin C. M. Fung social network
    Information Systems Engineering, Concordia University
    Benjamin C. M. Kao social network
    The University of Hong Kong
    Benoit Huet social network
    Multimedia Information Processing Group,EURECOM
    Berkant Barla Cambazoglu social network
    Yahoo! Research
    Bernhard Pfahringer social network
    Computer Science Department, University of Waikato
    Bin Cui social network
    Computer Science and Technology,
    Peking University
    Bo Zhao social network
    Microsoft research
    Brian D. Davison social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering,College of Engineering and Applied Science,Lehigh University
    Caetano Traina Jr. social network
    Computer Science and Statistics Department
    Carlos Castillo social network
    Qatar Computing Research Institute, Manzana Mecánica
    C. Ordonez social network
    Department of Computer Science,
    University of Houston
    Carlotta Domeniconi social network
    Department of Computer Science, George Mason University
    Cecilia Mascolo social network
    Networks and Operating Systems Group, University of Cambridge
    Chandan K. Reddy social network
    Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University
    Chang-Shing Perng social network
    Event Mining, Cloud ROI Modeling, Cloud Services Marketplace, Services Configuration
    Charles X. F. Ling social network
    Data Mining and Business Intelligence Lab, The University of Western Ontario
    Chong Wang social network
    Eric Xing’s group
    Chris Jermaine social network
    Computer Science

    Rice University

    Chris Volinsky social network
    Statistics Research Department, AT&T Labs-Research
    Arnd Christian König social network
    Data Management, Exploration and Mining Group
    Christopher Olston social network
    Google;Yahoo! Research;Carnegie Mellon University
    Chun-Nan Hsu social network
    Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
    Claire Monteleoni social network
    Computer Science, George Washington University
    Claudia Plant social network
    Dept. of Scientific Computing, The Florida State University

    D. Sivakumar social network
    Dan Zhang social network
    Computer Science Department, Purdue University
    David Lo social network
    School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University
    David Gleich social network
    Computer Science, Purdue University
    David Buttler social network
    Data Science group,
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    Debora Donato social network
    Department of Computer and Systems Science,Yahoo! research
    Deng Cai social network
    College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, China
    Dijun Luo social network
    Computer Science and Engineering Department , University of Texas, Arlington
    Dimitrios Gunopulos social network
    Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens
    Dit-Yan Yeung social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    Dongwon Lee social network
    College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST), Penn State University, USA
    Dou Shen social network
    Baidu, China
    Dragomir R. Radev social network
    Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,School of Information
    Duen Horng Chau social network
    Machine Learning Department , Carnegie Mellon University
    Dunja Mladenic social network
    Department of Knowledge Technologies, Josef Stefan Institute
    Duo Zhang social network
    Department of Computer Science,
    University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
    Eamonn J. Keogh social network
    Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of California – Riverside
    Edward Y. Chang social network
    Einoshin Suzuki social network
    Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering,
    Kyushu University
    Elena Ferrari social network
    Department of Computer Science and Communication
    University of Insubria
    Emine Yilmaz social network
    Microsoft Research
    Emmanuel Müller social network
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Enhong Chen social network
    School of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China
    Fabrício Benevenuto social network
    Computer Science Department
    Federal University of Minas Gerais
    Fabrizio Silvestri social network
    Information Science and Technology Institute (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council
    Fei Liu social network
    Bosch Research and Technology Center
    Fei Wang social network
    IBM T. J. Watson Research Lab; Healthcare Transformation Research Group; Department of Statistical Science, Cornell University
    Feng Pan social network
    Microsoft Bing Search
    Francesco Bonchi social network
    Yahoo! Research Barcelona
    Ganesh Ramanarayanan social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay
    Gao Cong social network
    Division of Information Systems
    School of Computer Engineering
    Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
    Gavin Brown social network
    University of Manchester, School of Computer Science
    Geoff Holmes social network
    University of Waikato, New Zealand
    George Kollios social network
    Department of Computer Science, Boston University
    Georgia Koutrika social network
    HP Labs
    Gideon Dror social network
    Yahoo! and
    Computer Science, The Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo
    Grace Hui Yang social network
    Department of Computer Science ,
    Georgetown University
    Guimei Liu social network
    National University of Singapore
    Gui-Rong Xue social network;
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    Guoliang Li social network
    Database Research Group
    Department of Computer Science and Technology
    Tsinghua University
    Haifeng Chen social network
    NEC Laboratories America
    Haixun Wang social network
    Hanghang Tong social network
    Computer Science Department, City College, CUNY
    H. Sundaram social network
    School of Arts, Media and Engineering /
    Computer Science
    Hendrik Blockeel social network
    Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
    Heng Huang social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering,University of Texas
    Heng Tao Shen social network
    The University of Queensland
    Hiroshi Mamitsuka social network
    Bioinformatics Center, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University;
    School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
    Hisashi Kashima social network
    Department of Mathematical Informatics, the University of Tokyo
    Tokyo Research Laboratory of IBM Research
    Hong Cheng social network
    Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Hongxia Jin social network
    IBM Research
    Hui Fang social network
    Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware
    Hui Xiong social network
    Management Science and Information Systems Department, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
    Hwanjo Yu social network
    Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, POSTECH
    Ira Assent social network
    Department of Computer Science,Aarhus University ,
    Ivor Tsang social network
    Nanyang Technological University
    Jaap Kamps social network
    University of Amsterdam
    Jaideep Vaidya social network
    Management Science & Information Systems Department, Rutgers University
    James Bailey social network
    Department of Computing and Information Systems
    Melbourne School of Engineering
    The University of Melbourne
    Jan O. Pedersen social network
    Core Search at Microsoft
    Jean-Philippe Vert social network
    Mines ParisTech – Curie Institute
    Jeff Schneider social network
    The Robotics Institute
    School of Computer Science
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Jialie Shen social network
    School of Information Systems
    Singapore Management University
    Jian-Tao Sun social network
    Machine Learning group, Microsoft Research Asia
    Jianyong Wang social network
    Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
    Jie Yin social network
    the CSIRO ICT Centre
    Jilles Vreeken social network
    Advanced Database Research and Modeling Group, Universiteit Antwerpen
    Jinbo Bi social network
    Department of Computer Science & Engineering
    School of Engineering
    Jing Gao social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo
    Jinyan Li social network
    Advanced Analytics Institute
    Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
    Ji-Rong Wen social network
    Web Data Management Group Microsoft Research Asia, China
    João Gama social network
    Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support,
    and Faculty of Economics,
    University of Porto
    Porto, Portugal
    Jorg Sander social network
    Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta
    Jun Huan social network
    Information and Telecommunication Technology Center (ITTC)
    Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    University of Kansas
    Jun Zhu social network
    Computer Science
    Junjie Wu social network
    Beihang University
    Jurgen Van Gael social network
    Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
    Kamalakar Karlapalem social network
    International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
    Klemens Böhm social network
    Koji Tsuda social network
    Computational Biology Research Center
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
    Kristian Kersting social network
    Fraunhofer IAIS, University of Bonn
    Kristina Lerman social network
    Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California
    Krisztian Balog social network
    Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Stavanger
    Kun Zhang social network
    Max Planck Institute
    Kunal Punera social network
    Yahoo! Research
    Kyuseok Shim social network
    School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    Seoul National University

    Seoul National University

    L. Venkata Subramaniam social network
    IBM Research
    Lars Schmidt-Thieme social network
    Information Systems and Machine Learning Lab, University of Hildesheim
    L. Carin social network
    Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Le Song social network
    CSE, College of Computing,
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Lei Yu social network
    Department of Computer Science, Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, Binghamton University
    L. Capra social network
    Software Systems Engineering Group
    Department of Computer Science
    Ling Huang social network
    Intel Science And Technology Center on Secure Computing at UC Berkeley
    Lior Rokach social network
    Department of Information Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
    Longbing Cao social network
    UTS; Capital Markets CRC Limited; University of Technology Sydney
    Luo Si social network
    Department of Computer Science, Department of Statistics(by courtesy), Purdue University
    Mao Ye social network
    Marcus Fontoura social network
    Maria Luisa Sapino social network
    Dipartimento di Informatica
    Universita’ degli Studi di Torino
    Masashi Sugiyama social network
    Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
    M. Renz social network
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
    Mausam social network
    University of Washington Department of Computer Science and Engg
    Michael W. Mahoney social network
    Stanford University, USA
    Michael Böhlen social network
    Department of Informatics
    Michail Vlachos social network
    IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
    Michalis Vazirgiannis social network
    Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics & Business
    Michele Berlingerio social network
    Ireland Research Lab
    Minos Garofalakis social network
    Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
    Technical University of Crete
    University Campus — Kounoupidiana
    Mirco Nanni social network
    Pisa KDD Laboratory
    Istituto I.S.T.I.
    Mohammad Mahdian social network
    Staff Research Scientist
    Google Research
    Mong Li Lee social network
    School of Computing, National University of Singapore
    Mounia Lalmas social network
    Yahoo! Research
    Murat Kantarcioglu social network
    Computer Science Department, University of Texas at Dallas
    Myra Spiliopoulou social network
    Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg
    Nan Zhang social network
    Department of Computer Science
    The George Washington University
    Naonori Ueda social network
    NTT Communication Science Laboratories
    Nathan Nan Liu social network
    Yahoo! Labs
    N. Jojic social network
    Neel Sundaresan social network
    eBay Research Labs
    Niall M. Adams social network
    Statistics in the statistics section of the Mathematics Department, Imperial College
    Nick Koudas social network
    Department of Computer Science, Toronto University, Canada and Sysomos Inc.
    Nikos Mamoulis social network
    Department of Computer Science
    University of Hong Kong
    Ninghui Li social network
    Purdue University
    Nitesh V. Chawla social network
    Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Notre Dame, USA
    Olfa Nasraoui social network
    Dept. of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville
    Omid Madani social network
    Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning – Perception – Algorithms – Web
    Oren Kurland social network
    Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.
    Panos Kalnis social network
    Division of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
    Paul N. Bennett social network
    Microsoft Research
    Peer Kroger social network
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,Germany
    Peter Christen social network
    Department of Computer Sciences, FEIT
    Australian National University
    Petros Drineas social network
    Computer Science Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    Pinar Donmez social network
    Kabbage, Inc; Banjo; Salesforce; Yahoo! Labs
    Ping Luo social network
    HP Labs
    Prateek Jain social network
    Microsoft Research Lab
    Prem Melville social network
    IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    Qi He social network
    IBM Almaden Research Center
    Qiaozhu Mei social network
    School of Information,
    Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan
    Ralf Schenkel social network
    Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
    Ralf Herbrich social network
    Microsoft Research Cambridge
    Raymond Ng social network
    Department of Computer Science,
    University of British Columbia
    Raymond Chi-Wing Wong social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
    the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
    Reynold Cheng social network
    Department of Computer Science
    The University of Hongkong

    Rina Panigrahy social network
    Microsoft Research
    Rohini K. Srihari social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
    Rómer Rosales social network
    Machine Learning. Data Sciences, Start up, 100plus
    Ron Kohavi social network
    Microsoft’s Online Services Division
    Rong Pan social network
    Depatment of Computer Science
    School of Information Science and Technology
    Rong Yan social network
    Rosie Jones social network
    Yahoo / Overture
    Rui Cai social network
    Microsoft Research Asia
    Ryohei Fujimaki social network
    NEC Corporation
    Information and Media Processing Research Laboratories
    Data Mining and Business Analysis Technology Group
    Sameep Mehta social network
    IBM Research – India
    Samuel Kaski social network
    Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Computer Science, Aalto University
    Sandeep Pandey social network
    Yahoo! Research
    Saso Dzeroski social network
    Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Knowledge Technologies
    See-Kiong Ng social network
    Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
    Sergei Vassilvitskii social network
    Research Scientist at Google
    Seung-won Hwang social network
    Information and Database Systems Lab
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH
    Shaojun Wang social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Wright State University
    Shenghuo Zhu social network
    NEC Laboratories America, Inc
    Shengrui Wang social network
    Department of Computer Science
    University of Sherbrooke
    Shichao Zhang social network

    Faculty of Information Technology
    University of Technology
    Shin’ichi Satoh social network
    Multimedia Information Research Division, National Institute of Informatics
    Shipeng Yu social network
    Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
    Shixia Liu social network
    Internet Graphics Group at Microsoft Research Asia.
    Shou-de Lin social network
    Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
    National Taiwan University
    Shuiwang Ji social network
    Computer Science Department
    Old Dominion University
    Siegfried Nijssen social network
    Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
    Slobodan Vucetic social network
    Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Center for Information Science and Technology, Temple University
    Smriti Bhagat social network
    Technicolor Palo Alto
    Sofus A. Macskassy social network
    Information Sciences Institute / USC
    Songqing Chen social network
    Department of Computer Science
    George Mason University
    Spiros Papadimitriou social network
    Rutgers University
    Stefan Kramer social network
    Institut fur Informatik, Technische Universitat Munchen
    Steffen Rendle social network
    University of Konstanz
    Steven C. H. Hoi social network
    School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Suman Kumar social network
    Sensing and Energy Research Group
    Microsoft Research
    Suresh Venkatasubramanian social network
    School of Computing at the University of Utah
    Takashi Washio social network
    Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research
    Osaka University
    Takeshi Yamada social network
    Executive Manager of
    Innovative Communication Laboratory
    Tak-Lam Wong social network
    Department of Mathematics and Information Technology,
    Tamara G. Kolda social network
    Informatics and Systems Assessments Sandia National Laboratories
    Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf social network
    Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Tengjiao Wang social network
    Peking University
    Teresa Wu social network
    Arizona State University, School of Computing, Informatics, Decision Systems Engineering
    Tie-Yan Liu social network
    Microsoft Research Asia
    T. Oates social network
    Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
    University of Maryland Baltimore County
    Tina Eliassi-Rad social network
    Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University
    Tomoharu Iwata social network
    Learning and Intelligent Systems Research Group,
    Innovative Communication Laboratory,
    NTT Communication Science Laboratories
    Toon Calders social network
    Computer & Decision Engineering (CoDE) department
    Web and Information Technologies (WIT) group, Université Libre de Bruxelles
    Torsten Suel social network
    Computer Science & Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of NYU
    Troy Raeder social network
    Data Scientist m6d
    Ulf Brefeld social network
    Department of Computer Science
    Vagelis Hristidis social network
    Computer Science & Engineering
    University of California,
    V. S. Mirrokni social network
    Google Research NYC
    Vanja Josifovski social network
    Vikas Sindhwani social network
    IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    Vincent Tseng social network
    National Cheng Kung University
    V. Narasayya social network
    Data Management
    Exploration and Mining Group
    Microsoft Research
    Vladimir Pavlovic social network
    Deptartment of Computer Science
    Rutgers University
    Volker Tresp social network
    Siemens and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
    Wai Lam social network
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Wei Chu social network
    Wei Chen social network
    Theory Group,
    Microsoft Research Asia
    Weiguo Fan social network
    Accounting and Information Systems and Computer Science (courtesy) at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
    Weining Qian social network
    School of Software
    Management and mining of massive data sets,
    Weiyi Meng social network
    Department of Computer Science
    Watson School of Engineering
    Binghamton University

    Weizhu Chen social network
    Machine Learning group, Microsoft Research Asia
    Wen Jin social network
    Wen-Chih Peng social network
    Department of Computer Science
    National Chiao Tung University
    Wilfred Ng social network
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    Department Computer Science
    Xiang Zhang social network
    Case Western Reserve University
    Xiao Yu social network
    Computer Science Dept
    University of Illinois, at Urbana Champaign
    Xiaodan Zhang social network
    College of Information & Technology
    Xiaohua Liu social network
    Natural Language Computing Group at Microsoft Research Asia
    Xiaokui Xiao social network
    Nanyang Technological University
    Li Xiaoli social network
    Institute for Infocomm Research
    Xiaoming Jin social network
    School of Software, Tsinghua University
    Du Xiaoyong social network
    School of Information, Renmin University of China
    Xifeng Yan social network
    Computer Science Department, University of California Santa Barbara
    Xing Xie social network
    Microsoft Research Asia
    Xingquan Zhu social network
    University of Technology, Sydney
    Xintao Wu social network
    SIS Department, College of Computing and Informatics
    University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Yan Liu social network
    Computer Science Department,
    Viterbi School of Engineering,
    University of Southern California
    Yan Jia social network
    School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology
    Yang Yu social network
    Department of Computer Science, Nanjing University
    Yangqiu Song social network
    Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei Technologies
    Yannis Theodoridis social network
    Dept of Informatics, University of Piraeus
    Yasushi Sakurai social network
    NTT Communication Science Laboratories
    Ye Chen social network
    Zhang Yi social network
    Baskin School of Engineering
    University of California
    Yi-Dong Shen social network
    Laboratory of Computer Science
    Yixin Chen social network
    Department of Computer Science
    and Engineering, Washington University in St Louis
    Yong Ge social network
    University of North Carolina – Charlotte
    YongHong Tian social network
    Institute of Computing Technology
    Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Yu Zheng social network
    Microsoft Research Asia
    Lu Yue social network
    Yuefeng Li social network
    Faculty of Science and Technology, Queensland University of Technology
    Yufei Tao social network
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Yun Chi social network
    NEC Laboratories America, Inc.
    Yunbo Cao social network
    Microsoft Research Asia
    Zaiqing Nie social network
    Microsoft Research Asia
    Zhaohui Zheng social network
    Yahoo! Labs, USA
    Zhen Wen social network
    IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
    Zheng Zhao social network
    SAS Institute Inc
    Zhenjie Zhang social network
    Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang social network
    Department of Computer Science
    Watson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
    Binghamton University
    Zoran Obradovic social network
    Information Science and Technology Center, Computer and Information Sciences Department, Temple University


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