Hands-On Tutorials

We have a fantastic lineup of hands-on and conventional tutorials to be held in conjunction with KDD 2017.

Check back as we get closer to the conference for more detailed program information.

Title Organizers Timeslot
Anomaly Detection in Networks

Veena B. Mendiratta (Nokia Bell Labs)

Tuesday AM
Massive Online Analytics

Bernhard Pfahringer (University of Waikato)
Albert Bifet (Telecom-ParisTech)

Tuesday PM
META: A Unifying Framework for the Management and Analysis of Text Data

Chase Geigle
ChengXiang Zhai

Wednesday AM
Using R for Scalable Data Science: Single Machines to Hadoop Spark Clusters

Robert Horton
Mario Inchiosa
Vanja Paunic
Hang Zhang

Wednesday PM
Declarative, Large-Scale Machine Learning with Apache SystemML

Matthias Boehm
Alexandre Evfimievski
Niketan Pansare
Berthold Reinwald
Prithvi Sen
(IBM Research)

Wednesday PM
Cloud based data mining tools for storage, distributed processing, and machine learning systems for scientific data

Vani Mandava (Microsoft Research)
Dennis Gannon (Indiana University)

Thursday AM
TensorFlow: A Hands-on Introduction

Rajat Monga
Martin Wicke
Daniel ‘Wolff’ Dobson
Joshua Gordon

Thursday AM
Amazon Web Services & MxNET

Alex Smola
Joseph Spisak
Mu Li

Tuesday All Day