We have a fantastic lineup of hands-on and conventional tutorials to be held in conjunction with KDD 2017.
Check back as we get closer to the conference for more detailed program information.
Title | Organizers | Timeslot | |
Anomaly Detection in Networks |
Veena B. Mendiratta (Nokia Bell Labs) |
Tuesday AM | |
Massive Online Analytics |
Bernhard Pfahringer (University of Waikato) Albert Bifet (Telecom-ParisTech) |
Tuesday PM | |
META: A Unifying Framework for the Management and Analysis of Text Data |
Chase Geigle ChengXiang Zhai (UIUC) |
Wednesday AM | |
Using R for Scalable Data Science: Single Machines to Hadoop Spark Clusters |
Robert Horton Mario Inchiosa Vanja Paunic Hang Zhang (Microsoft) |
Wednesday PM | |
Declarative, Large-Scale Machine Learning with Apache SystemML |
Matthias Boehm Alexandre Evfimievski Niketan Pansare Berthold Reinwald Prithvi Sen (IBM Research) |
Wednesday PM | |
Cloud based data mining tools for storage, distributed processing, and machine learning systems for scientific data |
Vani Mandava (Microsoft Research) Dennis Gannon (Indiana University) |
Thursday AM | |
TensorFlow: A Hands-on Introduction |
Rajat Monga Martin Wicke Daniel ‘Wolff’ Dobson Joshua Gordon (Google) |
Thursday AM | |
Amazon Web Services & MxNET |
Alex Smola Joseph Spisak Mu Li (Amazon) |
Tuesday All Day |