The Applied Data Science Invited Talks will provide a venue for leading experts in the world of applied data mining and knowledge discovery. These invited talks will feature highly influential speakers who have directly contributed to successful data mining applications in their respective fields. The talks and discussions will focus on innovative and leading-edge, large-scale industry or government applications of data mining in areas such as finance, health-care, bio-informatics, public policy, infrastructure, telecommunications, social media and computational advertising.

Mohak Shah
Head of Data ScienceBosch
Fireside Chat: AI For Automotive And Industrial Applications
Tuesday 10:00am – 12:00pm, Room 200D

Professor Vipin Kumar
ProfessorUniversity of Minnesota
Big Data in Climate: Opportunities and Challenges for Machine Learning
Wednesday 10:00am – 12:00pm, Room 200D

Szilard Pafka
Machine Learning Software in Practice: Quo Vadis?
Wednesday 1:30pm – 3:30pm, Room 200D