Recommender Systems
Curated by: Yehuda Koren
Recommender systems assist users in selecting products or services most suitable to their tastes and needs. With the rapid growth of web content supply and of online item catalogs, the personalized advice offered by recommenders is vital. This, together with the widening availability of user data, has contributed to a vast interest in recommendation technologies.
The nature and quality of a recommender is greatly affected by the kind of signals it takes as an input. Consequently, recommendation technologies are broadly divided into two types: (1) collaborative filtering based on analyzing past user activities like explicit rating of items, or implicit indication of preference such as clicks, purchases etc. (2) Content-based filtering which determines preferences by generalizing predefined item and user attributes like text, tags, genres, demographics, etc. Generally speaking, content-based methods are preferred for combating cold start scenarios when little activity is recorded on an item or a user. Yet, as more activity data is becoming available, collaborative filtering is gaining an edge by being more accurate. Real life situations usually target both new and familiar users and items, which calls for hybrid recommenders that combine collaborative and content filtering.
A recommendation is only as good as the information it holds on the user. Therefore, recent trends in recommendation technology strive for a more complete understanding of the user needs. This involves context aware recommenders that adapt to the particular given context, accounting for current time, location and user need. Some other systems use transfer learning methodologies for extending the user profile by also considering activities in different domains. Another approach for enhancing the user modeling is by following active learning practices and eliciting ratings and preferences from the user.
The design of a recommender involves the optimization of multiple, sometimes conflicting, objectives. Systems can target a point-wise error between each predicted value and the believed ground truth. However, more recent system opt to ranking metrics which emphasize the quality of the few items present at the top of the suggested list. Other tradeoffs that influence the nature of the recommended items are narrow accuracy versus broader diversity of item types, as well as staying with well understood and safe popular items versus admitting riskier long-tail items offering the potential of enhancing perceived serendipity.
In summary, recommendation system is a booming field, merging disciplines like data mining and machine learning, human-computer interaction, system scaling and more. It offers both scientific opportunities and practical engineering challenges. Practitioners who are interested in deeper knowledge are invited to visit the public resources listed below.
Resource list
- ACM Conference Series on Recommender Systems
- ACM Recsys Wiki
- Coursera: Introduction to Recommender Systems
- GroupLens
- Linkedin Group
- Twitter @ACMRecSys
- Wikipedia article
Related KDD2016 Papers
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From Online Behaviors to Offline Retailing Author(s): Ping Luo*, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
An Empirical Study on Recommendation with Multiple Types of Feedback Author(s): Liang Tang*, LinkedIn Corp.; Bo Long, LinkedIn; Bee-Chung Chen, LinkedIn; Deepak Agarwal, LinkedIn |
The Limits of Popularity-Based Recommendations, and the Role of Social Ties Author(s): Marco Bressan*, Sapienza University of Rome; Stefano Leucci, Sapienza University of Rome; Alessandro Panconesi, Sapienza University of Rome; Prabhakar Raghavan, Google; Erisa Terolli, Sapienza University of Rome |
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